Veerle Van Raemdonck
Veerle Van Raemdonck (°12/061978) graduated in 2001 as a Master in Physical Education (P.E) at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) en obtained her degree teacher education in P.E. at the same insitution in 2003. From 2001-2006 she worked as sportscoordinator at the Flemish Lifesaving Federation. In 2007 she worked for the project 'Sportbeleidsplanning' of the Institute for Sport Management and Recreation Policy (ISB vzw) and coached several Flemish municipalities to create a sport management plan in the community. Since 2004 she is lecturer and researcher at the Erasmus University College Brussels (EhB). She is responsable for the Centre of Expertise Urban Coaching & Education of the department People & Society (M&M). Together with her team she develops the departmental research strategy, writing research proposals within the different themes of the centre of expertise and does practice based research on cultural awareness of sport pedagogical professionals. In the Teacher Training P.E. she teaches several classes within her specialty watersafety, aquatic skills, first aid and resuscitation.
Since 2006 she is assistant at the Department of Movement and Sport Sciences (BESW) of the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy (LK) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Her educational package is situated within first aid. In addition, she obtained a PhD at the VUB. Her dissertation is titled "Implementation of cardio pulmonary resuscitation for a lay-public: comparison of different training strategies in Flemish secondary schools".
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels