Inge Bogaert
Inge Bogaert (° 05/09/1985) graduated as a licentiate in Physical Education and Movement Sciences from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and subsequently started as a teaching assistant at the former Department of Movement and Sports Training of the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy. Her doctoral research falls withing the theme of ‘health policy at school for pupils and teachers'. Both the mental and physical health of the Flemish teacher in secondary education was mapped out. Interventions in and outside the classroom context were explored, in which the promotion of daily activity and ergonomics play an important role. At the moment Inge works at the the Multidisciplinary Teacher Training Institute (MILO) of the VUB as an educational coach to support the teachers in training. Here too, the well-being of pupils and teachers and the importance of daily exercise play an important role in the preparation and professionalization of future teachers.
Pleinlaan 9
1050 Brussels