Evelien Mertens
Evelien Mertens (°11/12/1987) graduated as a bachelor in secondary education (physical education and Dutch) (HUB) and as a master in movement and sports sciences (specialization in fitness and health) (VUB). She achieved a PhD in movement and sports sciences (VUB) and biomedical sciences (KU Leuven). Afterwards, she graduated as a bachelor in nutrition and dietetics (Erasmushogeschool Brussel). She is currently working as a researcher in nutrition and dietetics at Erasmushogeschool Brussel, as a research assistant at the VUB (assistant during the seminars and practical exercises of biometrics) and as a dietitian in secondary occupation. She is a member of the Vlaamse Beroepsvereniging van Diëtisten and of the Vlaamse Plantaardige Diëtisten.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels