Lore Daelman
PhD students
Lore Daelman (°27/06/1997) studied Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy at Ghent University, and graduated in 2022 with a master's degree in both Musculoskeletal Afflictions and Paediatrics. She then studied an additional Master of Science in Clinical Exercise Physiology at Loughborough University (UK) and graduated in 2023. Currently, Lore is doing a joint PhD at VUB in collaboration with Ghent University within the SBO-project '1-2-3 MOVE!'. She will co-create initatives focused on motor competence to kick-start 1- to 3-year-old Flemish toddlers’ developmental trajectories in close collaboration with parents and taking the home/family environment into account.
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel