Karen De Rocker
Karen De Rocker (°15/07/1968) graduated in 1990 as Master in Physical Education and Movement Sciences at Ghent University, specialising in water polo, and in 1992 as Master in Motor Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy (UGent). She also obtained the aggregate diploma for both disciplines. Karen immediately started working as a physiotherapist, specialising in the rehabilitation of children, health coaching and treating (top) athletes in her own practice. Since November 2012, next to her work in the practice she has been working at the VUB as a practice assistant in the motor rehabilitation and physical therapy course for the subjects psychomotor activities, aquatic rehabilitation, personal resilience and load capacity and GWP. Her special interest concerns research within the fields of pediatric rehabilitation and aquatic rehabilitation, where the cross-pollination between practical experience and a scientific view is experienced as very stimulating for both of her professional perspectives.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel