Inge Vanbeneden
Administrative and technical personnel
Inge Vanbeneden (°07/10/1966) Technical Expert, graduated in 1988 as “Bachelor of Science” in Brussels. In 1990 she obtained the certificate “Dermato-Cosmetic Sciences” at the Vrije universiteit Brussel (VUB).
Her main task is to provide assistance and support during laboratory and practical classes of ““Biochemistry of exertion”, “Biometrics”, “Meassuring tools and sportnutrition”.
Next year, the classes of the first-years bachelor’s degree WPO "Introduction to biomolecules", will become an additional task.
She is also responsible for the management of the equipment within her service.
Biomechanics Lab 3th floor, building L
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel